Sunday, June 13, 2010

Beginneers Section - Sport (Theme)

Be_01 (above)
Be 01 Score 5.5 Good subject - lighting indicates an evening photo and I think it works well. Maybe a small bit too close to the subject.
Nice candid sports shot.

Be_02 (above)
Be 02 Score 6.5 A tough shot to capture but it was well done. A higher shutter speed would have ensured a sharper shot. Perhaps cropping out the wave in the foreground might have given a more defined subject.
Great sports capture and timing.

Be_03 (above)
Be 03 Score 8 Really Lovely shot - high shutter speed has paused the action, great lighting, rood focus and DOF - well done !
Good frozen action. Great timing.

Be_04 (above)
Be 04 Score 4.5 Looks slightly posed, as in, is he just holding the ball. Taking the shot with the ball in the air would have a totally different effect.
Nice shot. If photographer waited another second until the player hit the ball it would be a far better shot.

Be_05 (above)
Be 05 Score 4.5 Slightly soft or out of focus. Changing the perspective so that it is taken from the side would a better viewpoint of the image and adding the flash to capture a sharper image with a faster shutter would eliminate any motion blur.
Nice sports shot. Good fast shutter speed used and high ISO.

Be_06 (above)
Be 06 Score 8 Nice subject, slightly underexposed - perhaps bring up the highlights on the image.
Brilliant. Really captured the moment here. Would not look out of place on the sports page of the newspaper. Timing is perfect

Be_07 (above)
Be 07 Score 4.5 A bit grainy - on further inspection it was either over sharpened or was increased in size from a smaller image. Looking at the Registration plate it is suffering a bit from motion blur but definitely a tough shot to take at such high speeds.
Nice motor sport shot, but no sense of movement. No EXIF data available.

Be_08 (above)
Be 08 Score 7.5 Great subject - shows the speed of the action. I like the movement in the picture - the subject of the player with the ball could be a tiny bit sharper but it is a tough one to shoot in any respect.
Slow shutter speed and panning really create a great sense of movement here.

Be_09 (above)
Be 09 Score 7 Good lighting and focus - action is stopped well - a small amount of Depth of Field (by changing the aperture settings) would differentiate your subject from the background players.
Good sports shot. Ball frozen in mid air by fast shutter speed.

Intermidate Section (Sport -Theme)

In_01 above
In 01 Score 7 Good shot of these 2 climbers, However I would prefer a tighter crop.
By far the best subject for the theme. Little to fault in this image, except that it might look better without that small amount of distant cliff on top left. Well observed and well done!

In_02 above
In 02 Score 6 Good shot of canoeist, great reflection in the water, perhaps if captured with oar in water would be better
Good subject again. Nicely composed but somewhat lacking in punch. Rather static despite some obvious water movement.

In_03 above
in 03 Score 9 Really depicts the theme, great use of natural light, love the expression on the players faces., well focused and nicely composed, good use of aperture to blur background as well
Well timed, with great facial expressions on two of the participants. The others in the scene are somewhat of a distraction. Good differential focussing.

In_04 above
in 04 Score 4 Depicts the theme all right but there something missing. We know its soccer but where’s the ball. I feel the ball is essential for this shot, otherwise its like a ballet dance.
Am not sure what the photographer was trying to capture . . . the very happy guy in blue who looks as if he scored a wide . . . or five people looking elsewhere. Nice lighting though, flood lights presumably.

In_05 above
in 05 Score 7 Fits the theme, action well caught and frozen, great colours . would love to have seen this taken at river level.
A good subject for the theme. Might have been difficult enough to 'time', but the moving cyclist is quite sharp. However, a wider aperture, lessening the depth of field, would have worked better.

Advanced Catagory - (Sport Theme)

ad-01 Score 6.5
Lovely capture, this guy is ready for action , maybe if he was kicking the ball it would be a much stronger image. Focus and exposure is on the ball, pardon the pun .
Nice image with a lovely sky but thought the slanting timber post at left took a little away from it.

ad-02 Score 8
Good example of panning . Cyclist is well places in the frame. Faster shutter speed would combat the slight softness but a great shot otherwise.
Lovely motion shot the background nicely blurred, I might crop a little more off the left hand side and he would really be cycling into the picture.