Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beginneers Section Woodland

Be 01 (Above)
Be01 Score 6.5 Nice Woodland image. Good use of rule of thirds.
Lovely Subject. Nice lighting and focus. EXIF data was unavailable. Overall a lovely shot - perhaps enhancing the yellow tones of the gorse might have added to the photo.

Be 02 (Above)

BE02 Score 5.5 Nice image. Would benefit from increasing saturation a little.
Nice image, a tad under exposed and slightly soft on focus. By enhancing the saturation and highlights it could have been improved. EXIF data was unavailable.

Be 03 (Above)
BE03 Score 6 Good lighting here and the path leads your eye into the photograph.
Slightly larger than agreed size, at 1040 pixels. Nice colour and light in the shot. EXIF data was also unavailable.

Be 04 (Above)

BE04 Score 5 Nice isolated shot of woodland. Some of the foreground could be a little sharper.
The shot is more of a flora shot than woodlands (although you can see some trees in top left). Shot could have been made better by enhancing highlights and shadows afterwards to enhance the areas in the shot. EXIF data was unavailable so could not check settings.

Be 05 (Above)

BE05 Score 5.5 Lovely woodland scene. Increasing the saturation a little would really enhance this image.
Shot looks to be suffering from hand shake - using a tripod would give a crisper shot - There are some shadows which the camera may have picked up giving a long enough shutter speed which would exaggerate any hand movement. Some increase in colour saturation and use of sharpening, might have also helped. EXIF data was unavailable so could not check settings.

Be 06 (Above)

BE06 Score 8.5 Great composition and use of slow shutter speed.
Very Nice Shot - Lovely lighting on the rock (front left) also elsewhere in the photo, dots of light add a mood to the shot. The shutter-speed of .8 of a second gives a lovely flow on the stream. Slightly oversaturated in the trees at the back.

Be 07 (Above)
BE07 Score 7.5 Brilliant perspective and symmetry. The people really show scale here.
Nice Setup of shot with nice lines. Some texture in the sky or some natural sunlight would have helped warm the photo as well as add some detail to the treetops.

Be 08 (Above)

BE08 Score 7.5 Nice woodland scene. Very nice lighting
Nice Theme and Lighting. Lovely natural setting, slight lens flare near top but overall a very nice photo.

Be 09 (Above)

BE09 Score 6.5 Lovely scene. The Sun in the background really make this shot.
Lovely use of Sun in the shot. The conifer on the right hints to the camera flash being on. EXIF data was removed so could not check settings. A crop on the sunrise would work also, to omit the distraction of the right-hand-side conifer.

Be 10 (Above)

BE10 Score 5.5 Nice shades of blue and green. No real focal point.
A lot going on the photo - perhaps too many lines which make the viewers eye jump around. Also the photo is a bit dark (might have been brightened in Picassa or Photoshop afterwards which would have helped) however focus is good.
End of Images