Sunday, May 16, 2010

Intermidate Section Woodland

In 01 (above)
In 01 Score 9 A number of images in the beginners section were superior to the intermediate section! This image . . . NINE MARKS. The best by far, with an excellent lead-in line. Colour saturation and exposure very good also.
Perfectly demonstrates the theme. The path leads the eye right into the shot. good composition and depth of field. Can I know where it's taken please

In 02 (above)
In 02 Score 6 The best subject among the seven entries, but badly handled. Excellent lead in lines, but sharpness quite poor. Also, the steps should be horizontal. These could be easily corrected, if you have Photoshop.
Fits the theme, Good composition, Love the way your eye is led up the steps The image is not as sharp as I'd like it to be, Possible some camera shake cause this Was this hand held and at what aperture (f stop).

In 03 (above)
In 03 Score 6 Reasonably nice scene, but nothing very special about it, due to lack of a focal point. Colour saturation could be much better, plus a little under-exposure.
Certainly fits the Theme. Good shot of a typical woodland scene. I would crop to into trees on either side and allow them to frame image.

In 04 (above)
In 04 Score 5.5 Nice subject, but where's the woodland? Maybe it's behind the photographer's back. Placing the tree in the centre was not a good idea.
Fits the theme with an added element(water). Would like to have seen more of the tree and a little less of the water in the foreground. Tilt camera up more.

In 05 (above)
In 05 Score 4 I just can't see the woodland! The differential focussing was very well handled, but the two-tone background takes from it. Photographed from a higher angle or a lower angle, preferably the latter, would have resulted in a better picture. The image has too many components to be a success. Next time bring a scissors or secateurs.
Its not clear that this image represents the theme. the subject itself is interesting ,however its lacking a focal point and not sharp,

In 06 (above)
In 06 Score 4 This could be a roadside picture. No sign of woodland! The highlights in the bird's plumage are somewhat overexposed. Depth of field is very limited, but nothing wrong with that.
When i saw this image my first thought was pheasant in a field, so for me does not fit the theme. This image is quite pleasing but the sharpest point of focus has to be the eyes.

In 07 (above)
In 07 Score 3 I can't see what the photographer is trying to capture. Excellent colour saturation. Differential focussing did not work, as the foreground flower is most distracting.
Fits the woodlands theme. The bluebell in the foreground overpowers this image. The subject overall needs better focus and composition. Its a bit cluttered.

End of images