Monday, May 31, 2010

Intermidate Section _Vertical Landscape

In_01 Score 5 great idea to frame using oval however it’s not clear what the subject is here, is it the oval or the view through it. Could not view this image in a larger size.

In_02 Score 7.5 Everything just about perfect in this image, colour saturation, sharpness and contrast, but my eye tends to run up and down the image continually as the v-shaped bottom portion is somewhat of a distraction. One of the best.
Good image, fits the theme, follows the rule of thirds, good subject matter, and would like to see this taken a little later on in the day the light is a bit too high in the sky

In_03 Score 6.5 Possibly the best subject among entrants in this class, but sharpness could be better. Otherwise, an excellent image, the slow shutter-speed adding to the overall effect. Nice colour scheme too!
Vertical landscape for sure, the horizon is a little too close to centre of image.
Crop the sky at the top, dodge the highlights (water) just a tad, burn the shadows (rocks to add a little definition. I love the way the light on the was captured.

In_04 Score 5 Technically perfect, but lacking in a focal point. It might have worked better as a horizontal shot.
Not really sure if the subject matter lends itself to a vertical landscape, you are left wondering what is to the right hand side. some element in the foreground is needed here such as a rock or boat perhaps. The horizon is too close to centre of image.

In_05 Score 6 Another technically perfect image, taken at one of the best locations in the south-east for sunsets! (Don't tell anyone!). After-sunset, as in this case, can sometimes be best. However, the top jet trail takes from the picture; the lower one/ones could well pass for a cloud formation.
Lovely vertical landscape, a little too dark in the foreground, wonder why 1/200 sec was use, probably handheld, would recommend getting closer to water and use reflections to add more light

In_06 Score 7 Despite this image having two focal points, it has been executed extremely well, with excellent exposure and colour saturation, and a lead-in line. It might have worked better without the two stones on the horizon.
Good vert landscaqpe, great use of rock in foreground to anchor the shot, good use of rule of thirds, nicely exposed shot. Not quite where horizon is.

In_07 Score 6.5 Possibly by far the best subject in this section, but SLIGHTLY overexposed. Composition excellent and nice cloud effects.
Fits the bill, beautiful image, a little less of the wall in foreground might improve image as would reducing exposure a little and increasing contrast. good overall image

In_08 Score 6 Difficult to know what to say about this image. Lead-in lines always add to the composition of a picture, but in this case there appears to be too much road, and its over-powering pink colour. This colour could have been de-saturated quite easily using the simplest of software. The horizon is almost central, but there's an excellent sky. The photographer should have waited till those distant walkers were much nearer or simply taken a series of shots of them at different locations on the road or track. Next time try taking the picture from the SIDE of the track.
Great use of lead in lines with the path here. The sky is really full of drama, would have waited until the people were a bit closer. Would boost the highlight in the background with selective use of dodge tool and reduce exposure by about 1/1/2 stops

end of images